Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Hiermit beantrage ich eine Gewerbe Liezenz für das Unterhalten eines Sägewerks, Gebäude ist schon gekauft und Betriebsbereit
Holz Michl
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De-/activate animation
De-/activates the animation in the content area.
Make the avatar appear round
When activated, the avatar is displayed in a square.
Change video size
If deactivated, the file size is adjusted.
Navigation fixed
When activated the navigation is fixed.
Sidebar Style 1
When activated, the appearance of the sidebar changes.
De-/activates title picture in signature
De-/activates the title picture of the user in the forum signature.
Background Style 1
When activated, the page background changes.
Background Style 2
When activated, the page background changes.
Background Style 3
When activated, the page background changes.
Background Style 4
When activated, the page background changes.
Background Style 5
When activated, the page background changes.
Background Style 6
When activated, the page background changes.
Background Style 7
When activated, the page background changes.
Background Style 8
When activated, the page background changes.
Background Style 9
When activated, the page background changes.
Background Style 10
When activated, the page background changes.
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